Healing. Restoration. Hope

Specialized Care for Survivors of Sexual Exploitation & Human Trafficking

Beloved Haven’s Drop-In Center provides access to comprehensive services for survivors including case management, assistance with retrieving documents, legal options or navigating the criminal justice process, one on one support, and specialized programs.

Beloved Haven offers a safe space to access help, no matter how long ago you were hurt.

Services Offered

  • Advocacy

  • One on One Support

  • Essential Care Bags

  • Resources for Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Long-term Housing Programs, Empowerment and Counseling Workshops

Request An Appointment

If you would like to request an appointment or need more information, please call the office at

(252)-339-6304 or (252)-455-5760- Crisis Line, (if it’s an emergency)

Appointments are made for Mondays 10am until 3:30 pm

Drop-In Service Program

Beloved Haven operates a drop-in service program to provide resources and support in a crisis response. This program identifies the need for actions to be taken in the immediate moment of crisis to address the situation. Victim services include but not limited to, crisis response, safety planning, advocacy, critical needs and safe housing placement. We encourage and empower survivors to become independent by meeting their basic needs and providing care and support.

Through personal case management and action planning, our intention is to meet women where they are—wherever it may be—and support them throughout their healing journey. 

“During investigations, many of these women are encountered and interviewed. It is common for the women to have already heard of or had a personal encounter with Beloved Haven through their outreach in the community or their jail outreach at Albemarle District Jail. It is important for us (Law Enforcement) to partner with Beloved Haven as we continue to work on these investigations.”- Pasquotank County Sheriff’s Office